Research Paper On Nightjohn

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Frederick Douglass once said, “I did not know I was a slave until I found out I couldn't do the things I wanted.” This show that African American had limitations on what they could and could not do. The novel Nightjohn helped create a visual to show how harsh and brutal slavery really was. Although Gary Paulsen's novel, Nightjohn is considered historical fiction, the descriptions of brutal punishments, harsh estricalsins, and broken family structures can be corroborated with multiple sources. Nightjohn helped the reader to realize all of the brutal punishments slaves had if they did something that was disobedient, or incorrect. Paulsen really helped captive the act of brutal punishment, when he describes Alice's beating, how after she was …show more content…

Harsh restrictions that were portrayed in Nightjohn were when Sarny can not learn how to read or write. Shown in Heather Andrea Williams : Self taught Excerpts states, “ keeping a book in her bosom at all times and asking the white children to tell her everything they learned at school each day”. This illustrates that African American were not allowed to learn like white people. Enslaved people had to be very resourceful because they made so many restrictions. According to Mingo Whites Narrative, “I was nothing but a child enduring slavery, but I had to work the same as many man.”. This represents that African American children did not have a chase to have a childhood. All they did was work, sleep, and eat (a little bit of food). Enslaved children were overworked. This help us see that Nighjon was accurate when it talked about harsh …show more content…

Broken family structure were visualized in Nightjohn because when Sarny does not remember who he mother was and she has to constantly be reminded my mammy. The excerpt from Frederick Douglass states, “My mother and I were separated when I was an infant-before I knew her as my mother.” This shows Nightjohn was correct because Sarny was separated from her mother before she new her also, and she had to keep asking mammy to keep reminding her of her mother so she would not forget her. Both Sarny and Frederick Douglass can relate in a way. According to Mingo White’s Narrative, “I was just a little thing, taken away from my mother and father just when I needed them the most.” With that being said almost all African American slaves were separated from their parents, they didn't get to know them or remember who they

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