Research Paper On Muhammad Ali Culture

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The Greatest Muhammad Ali So this essay is about my culture and Muhammad Ali culture. These are some the same thing we had in common with our culture and his culture. So, Muhammad when he was growing up he was a christian and lived in the USA, we still had a lot of the same laws and sports. Like boxing, football and basketball. Boxing is the main one, Muhammad expectedly likes boxing. Nowadays there is a lot going on in the country like all of this black lives matter stuff. All of the riots going on with the police same as muhammad during his days how the police would look at them like they're different then them. The difference we have. Muhammad Ali, was born January 14 1942, In Louisville, KY. Where he is from at the time there was all of racism at the time. He tried to join this gym for them to help with his boxing, but they …show more content…

So, then he went to a different gym and had success and became a professional boxer. But, nowadays we can go anywhere and they will accept you whatever skin color you are or religion. Also, We can do more sports than they could do back then in the Muhammad age. We can do whatever sports we want to do. When Muhammad got banned from boxing for three years he had to join the army and he went to vietnam and there was no girl allowed in the war, But now we have girls in all kind of units of the army in the navy, air force and national guard but back in the day they weren't able to. Muhammad listen to old Rock&Roll and blues type of music. People nowadays listen to more country or pop music and rap. Women at the time Muhammad ali was my age they weren't as independent as they are today,women were more relying on the men for the men. Women back then didn’t get paid as much as they do today, but now they make more money but still today in some jobs they still don’t get paid as much so that could be

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