Research Paper On Ian Somerhalders

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It is almost time for the new season of The Vampire Dairies and Ian Somerhalder is taking it all off in a new preview. EW shared that even though fans are used to seeing his character Damon in a towel this time the towel isn’t even there. Somerhalder starts out with the towel on and then throws it over at Alaric leaving him totally naked. You have to remember that it is on CW so Somerhalder isn’t going to be showing it all off for the world to see. This preview shows a few more things though. Ian Somerhalder’s character Damon is in a coffin for some reason. It looks like Caroline and Stefan are finally a couple and Bonnie is back. The thing to remember is that Nina Dobrev is gone so you will not be seeing any steamy scenes of her and Ian Somerhalder this season. The Vampire Diaries is going to have to find a new love interest for Ian Somerholder that is for sure. …show more content…

The two split up and since then Ian is now married to Nikki Reed. The two have appeared to stay friends, but not kissing your ex-girlfriend on television has to make things a bit easier for Ian when it comes to playing the character of Damon Salvatore. TV Line shared that Ian Somerhalder is sharing big spoilers for season 7 of The Vampire Diaries. Ian’s character won’t be going back to the way he was in season one, but he won’t be the same either now that Elena is gone. Ian Somerhalder reminded fans of what Elena told him at the end of last season. Elena said, ‘Go have fun and live your life,. He waited for Katherine for 150 years and he sure as hell wasn’t a saint in that time. Damon’s a pretty sadistic guy, but he’s also very logical — even if his logic is a little skewed sometimes. He’s thinking that he’s got 60 years to chill … so if he makes enemies and gets into fights and s–t’s going down with these heretics, he’s like, ‘Yeah, let’s get in there. Let’s f–k it

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