Research Paper On Hedda Gabler

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Hedda Gabler in Henrik Ibsen's play Hedda Gabler is a headstrong, passionate woman. Hedda comes from an aristocratic family, marrying George Tesman solely for his prospects as he is of bourgeois class. On their honeymoon instead of spending time with one another, George spent most of his time in libraries doing research for his book. “Just think, Aunt Julie-I had that whole suitcase stuffed full of notes. You just can’t imagine all I’ve managed to find, rummaging through archives. Marvelous old documents that nobody knew existed-”(Ibsen 1.224). Hedda is a woman who wants a beautiful life, a life where she is successful and well placed in society, even if that means having an unhappy home life. She will do anything in her power to get what she

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