Research Paper On Ghost Rider

763 Words2 Pages

{. Goat Rider .}
The movie Ghost Rider didn't get any high rating, and people didn't really enjoy it (moviereview/, well a new rider named Goat Rider appeared in town. He as a superhero (not an evil demon spirit) uses his magical powers to save people from danger. He has yet to lose a battle and/or leave someone to their death. People know him all around the world by his strange outfit and his uniqueness, and always helps right on time.

Even without his powers he would do much and nobody dares to ever say, useless. He has the power to, summon giant goats. Which means he as a superhero is very different than any other, but different doesn't always mean worse says teachers,( and teachers learn the roots of smart. He uses this goat power to save people from danger, this danger includes large animals like: lions, tigers, bears, and even huge snakes, he can summon them at will as well so they can form many things, barricades, goat trains, anything imaginable that goats can do, he can do it better. …show more content…

He uses this to fuel himself because it flows all around his body giving him the power and strength he needs, to save people, and summon all of those goats. Weird enough he enjoys the flavor and even said, “If I could I'd make an energy drink for myself and this would work as the main ingredient” ( He of course can't do this because only natural flavors and energy can help his body, so that would do completely nothing to him. He can of course create pickle juice from just touching a pickle to his tongue and it will drain all the nutrients and power that he needs from

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