Research Paper On Barcelona

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In the country of Spain there are many beautiful cities and towns, each different from each other and all are unique. Barcelona stands out more than any other city in Spain, with art, history, and culture surrounding the city and the people who live there. Barcelona is very well populated, covered in history and secrets, all the while being surrounded with eccentric art and architecture. Times have changed, and Barcelona is gradually growing towards a better city, and a better environment. Barcelona, the city of constant renewal, is located north of the Spanish coast. Barcelona is also located on the coast between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Besos. Founded as a Roman City, during the Middle Ages, Barcelona became an important city during the Crown of Aragon. Barcelona has the second largest population in the country of Spain, with a …show more content…

This city was the home to Antoni Gaudi, one of Barcelona’s most famous architects. He designed Cathedrals, libraries, and gardens. Antoni Gaudi brought life and art to the city of Barcelona. As well as Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona was the home to any other wonderful artists, Picasso may not have been from the city of Barcelona, but some of his art is showcased in the Museo Picasso. Joan Miro, a phenomenal artist was born in Barcelona, he traveled a lot to Paris. Joan Miro distinctively painted abstract art.
Despite this city's troubled past, Barcelona has remained and will always remain beautiful. More importantly, Barcelona will continue to grow and expand it’s horizons while continuing to express the city’s culture and history. Worldwide Barcelona continues to impress people, after the war many people didn’t think Barcelona would recover, and yet years later they held the biggest event known to the continent. Barcelona is very well populated, covered in history and secrets, all the while being surrounded with eccentric architecture and

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