Research Paper On American Gangster

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American Gangster Movie The movie American Gangsta highlights the life of Frank Lucas, a popular gangster who was involved in drug dealing and other crimes that allowed him to gain a lot of power and wealth. According to the movie, he was brilliant and loved to hang out with celebrities and other powerful figures in the American society. His leadership style was autocratic and it helped him become successful in many instances, though at a very big risk. He often had to take a lot of big risks to earn a quick profit and this made him earn the attention of many people in America and abroad. As a result, the nature of his profession made him a target for law enforcement officers who were anxious on imprison senior figures linked to drug trafficking in the country. The first thing Frank should not have done is getting involved in an illegal business given that the grave risks that are associated with his chosen profession. In essence, this would have reduced his constant conflicts with law enforcement officers and he would not have served a long prison sentence. …show more content…

Consequently, this made him resort to theft, violence and giving donation to people so he can survive. Since Frank did not have any education, he did not run his financial operations effectively and this made him keep large amounts of cash at home. He also collaborated with a lot of police men to shield himself from the law through constant bribery and this made his organization to lack the stability it required. In the movie, he was characterized as a ruthless organized crime boss who did not accept any form of objection. Basically, he ruled with fear and this caused people that were working for him to resent his autocratic ways of management. in addition, some of them were police informers that became disloyal to Frank due to his unforgiving

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