Remember It's A Sin To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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"Remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."(Lee 119), This astonishing statement which Atticus had said to his daughter scout in one of their boring days expresses the story of the innocent people that Harper Lee introduced in her wonderful novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Maycomb, the sleepy town in the south of America, where poverty reaches most of the families from privilege families such as the Finches, to the African Americans such as the Robinsons. During this novel, Harper Lee paints a vivid picture of how the bigotry and segregation was spread all over the Maycomb town in Alabama.

At the beginning, the story starts in a small boring, tired old town which is Maycomb in Alabama where there is nothing to do or to buy. Jem who was 10 years
In the same day, Jem stopped his sister from fighting Walter Cunningham who was from a very poor family and when Jem asked Scout about the reason of the fight, she told him that she was trying to express to Miss Caroline why Walter didn’t bring his lunch with him, but Miss Caroline misunderstand Scout and patted her with a ruler in front of all the students in the class. After that Jem sympathies with Walter and grinned at him. "Come on home to dinner with us, Walter" said Jem. "We'd be glad to have you" (Lee 30). Eventually, Scout learned how to respect others and not judge them before she look at things from the other person's point of view as Atticus told her "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."(Lee 39). In the meantime, since Atticus was a lawyer, he accepted to defend Tom Robinson, who was a black
According to the hearsay in Maycomb city, when Boo was a child playing and cutting some items for the school in his house, he cut his father's leg with the scissors while his father was passing by, then he resumed his work. The sheriff of the town locked Boo in the basement of the courthouse. Thereafter, Mr. Radley took Boo back to the home and after that Boo had been never seen in public. After Mr. Radley died, Boo's elder brother returned from Pensacola and took the place of Mr. Radley by keeping Boo in the house. Jem, Scout and Dill were wondering what Boo looks like, so they tried so many times to across the porch and knock the door of Boo's house, it was a thrilling adventure for them to do so. In spite of the fact that the children in Maycomb imagined Boo as a very scary man who ate raw animals with his bloodstained hands, Boo wasn't any of those characteristics. As a matter of fact, Boo was a good man who had been misjudged by the people in Maycomb, he wasn't a criminal or a scary man, he was just a high-strung for one time in his childhood. Eventually, Scout and Jim found out Boo's real humanity and kindness when he rescued them from Bob Ewell who was killed in this incident by Boo. At the end, Boo wasn't a monster as the rumor said, he was the hero who saved Jim and Scout in the darkness of the

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