Religious Education- Original Writing

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Religious Education- Original Writing

In my Religious Education lessons I have studied many different

religons and managed to broaden my knowledge on different practices

and life styles of people all over the world. Now my school term is

ending I have been given the task to choose from different topics, I

decided to choose the task of taking 3 religions and comparing their

beliefes. I have chosen the religions Judaism, Islam and

Rastafarianism. I am going to begin with Judaism-

Judaism - Jews believe that actions are very important no matter how

much you have studied about the Jewish religion and no matter how high

your title may be, if your actions aren't pleasing to g-d, also known

as Adonai in prayer (g-d will be explained later on). Also by not

abiding to g-d's laws thay aren't being faithful to the religion. Jews

also believe that (like many other religions) there is only one G-d

also known as monotheism. They believe that g-d created everything in

this unvierse, also that every single person has their own personal

relationship with g-d and that g-d is still working and effecting

everything that we choose to do.

How do you know you are Jewish? If your parents are Jewish and you

have not adopted another religion you are considered Jewish. As a

Jewish child you are taught from a young age to read the Torah (holy

scriptures), a part called the Shema which explains Jewish beliefs

(and also needs to be said before death). Jews believe that using g-d

as a role model is important, as g-d cares for eveybody, Jewish

citizens believe that they are the holy ones so use g-d to set an

expamle for others. The Jewish also believe that the messiah is yet to

come, and when this messenger arrives peach will reign.

As you may have noticed I don’t write god in full rather writing g-d,

this is as I have learnt that Jews do this as a sign of respect, as

g-d shouldn't be used carelessly*.

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