Religion in Painting The Madonna of the Meadow by Giovanni Bellini

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Religion in Painting The Madonna of the Meadow by Giovanni Bellini

'The Madonna of the Meadow' by Giovanni Bellini was painted in about

1500 but more fundamentally, for many, it's the underlying religious

issue that has compelled them to admire it. This issue is the

prefigured death of Jesus.

One of the foremost signs of Jesus' imminent death was the myrrh

presented by one of the three wise men. However, even though this

isn't displayed in 'The Madonna of the Meadow', the painting still

contains numerous other references to Jesus' forthcoming demise. For

example, Mary's hands are held together in an overwhelming praying

position, which conveys to the audience a mother's earnest plea in God

to protect her vulnerable child. In addition to this, baby Jesus

himself seems to embody an expression of dejection, which is reflected

in his pose; as if his hand is on his heart in anticipation of

terrible things to come. The melancholy of his stance also prompts the

audience to recall the Pietà, the event in which his lifeless body was

laid across his mother's lap.

Beyond the foreground of the painting, which is dominated by the

united image of Madonna and Child, a barren, empty farmland can be

seen. This once again suggests and mirrors the sadness in Jesus' fate.

Although, it appears to be the fact that the land is in this state due

to the autumn harvest that has just occurred. This is shown through

the presence of cattle and herdsmen. In addition to this, since

spring, the season that is most commonly associated with new life and

rejuvenation, is going to come about, a subtle hint to Jesus'

Resurrection has been incorporated as it suggests that he, like the

crops in this barren farm, will be given a new life. Coincidently, the

Resurrection of Christ did actually occur during the spring months.

This reference to the rebirth of Jesus is also a symbol of Christ's

triumph over sin and thus the age-old phrase that good always

overcomes evil. To the left of the Virgin Mary is an image of a crane

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