Religion Of Christianity Research Paper

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Thank you, Dr. Lamport, for your response and your comment that gave me a better chance to express myself. During my learning in this class gave me insight into the history of Christianity, which I need to know and to understand. To answer your question of how do I see the issue that you stated, “humans have the capacity to justify their practices and beliefs based, among other things, the disdain for other belief systems. The Christian church is vast, including Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant, and Roman Catholic. They are all a part of our family, and we practice and express our common faith, and encounter the world in different ways”. From my reading of our text, and from the beginning of our session until now, some divisions were created during the various period, which got my attention. …show more content…

But as the first century advanced, the intense focus on the Gospel began to decrease, and as false beliefs began to change Christianity. The Apostle Paul was sent out to assist many Christians that were ‘turning away’ from the true Gospel to ‘a different Gospel” (Galatians 1:6). Paul gave various warnings about his fear that people were abandoning and rejecting true doctrines and being driven astray into false teachings (2 Timothy 2:14-18; 3:13-14). Jesus was very clear that professing His name but ignoring His instructions and teachings is false worship (Luke 6:46). I believe this has caused division in Christianity of today and the through the history of time, considering a different Gospel (false teaching) from the true Gospel of Jesus

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