Religion As It Means To Be An Interreligious Neighbors

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The world in which we live is globalized and interconnected as it has ever been, this is also a threatened and endangered world like never before. Dangers and threats stem from violence that human beings are committing both against other human and the environment. Religious groups knowing this dangers have engaged in different activities to try and solve this issue. For example, the need to be interreligious neighbors of others, be interreligious peacemakers with others, and be interreligious pilgrims with to others.

We must be interreligious neighbors of others.

There have always been different religions in the world. Religious diversity is nothing new. But in the past, these different religions remained in "their own neighborhood," …show more content…

If during the second half of the last century there was much talk about a "secular society" where religion was no longer a factor of consideration, scholars today speak of a "post-secular society", in which the reality of Religion, in many different ways, is not only a cultural but also a geopolitical force that must be considered. Today, the community of nations and individual nations are increasingly becoming multi-religious civil …show more content…

We are asked to work with others, be friends with others, as people who find the meaning of life in very different ways, based on very different religious books, following very different religious leaders, who present images very different from what Is the Ultimate in life. We are called to form a civil society, a functional neighborhood, from different religious communities. If we want to be "good neighbors" of others, if we expect to be "good neighbors" of others, we must succeed in being interreligious. And here comes the difficult part, the real challenge. Being good multi-religious neighbors requires more than tolerance. Please understand that I am not degrading tolerance. God knows we need more of her among the religious communities of our world. Tolerance means that we live religiously and let others live religiously, that we and others are religious in the way we want to be. But tolerance implies that we do it reluctantly. Whatever we let happen, we wish we would not live, at least not in the house next

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