Religion And Well-Being Essay

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There are several different denominations, and in 2014 the rate is vastly growing. Religion has been known to make people feel happier, be healthier, and live more comfortable lives. This is known as well-being. There are many elements to well-being. Some elements include emotional, environmental, social, physical, intellectual, and occupational. Many individuals are successful in one, two, or sometimes three of these elements, but a very low percentage succeed in all. The people who succeed in more of the elements of well-being are said to be religious people. But, does religion really affect well-being?
A test was done on 836 adults at the average age of 73 years old. Among organizational religious activity, intrinsic religiosity, and non-religious activity (three measures of religion) and morality, fairly strong correlations were shown. For females and the ones at least the age of 75, attitudes and behaviors involving religiosity had an especially strong correlation of morality (Ferrel, Kvale and Koenig). “Among participants age 75 and older, only health accounted for more of the explained variance than did religious variables. Indicated was that religious attitudes and activities may influence the complex interactions of health and sociodemographic factors affecting morale and well-being in later life” (Ferrel, Kvale and Koenig).
Along with new analyses from a large adolescent database, a presentation of literature review of the relationship between religiousness and adolescent well-being was taken into account. It was seen that the mean amount of religiousness in United States adolescents did not decline in recent years, but it was evident that it lessened on average throughout the times of adolescence. As seen in the stu...

... middle of paper ... may be important to a healthy society" (Kaldor) .
It is true, researchers claim, that individuals who habitually attend religious services take pleasure in an improvement in their happiness. However, analysis findings do not concur on how much of the advantage is religious and how much comes from the advantage of social networking as well as being with other people in agreement. There are immense results and research evidence that individuals can live a longer lasting life if they vigorously take part in traditional religious activities and go after their religions behavioral prescriptions. This is particularly high-principled for religions that adopt healthy diets and abash smoking and alcohol. Research found that decades ago on Seventh Day Adventists, Amish, and Mormons, "found stunningly lower mortality rates in these religious groups," says Idler (Moeller).

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