Religion And Mental Health

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There is a lot of proof linking religion and the overall mental health of human beings. Belief in a Higher Power helps us realize our inability to control all aspects of our lives, and when we fail we acknowledge that we do not own our destiny. Religion teaches us the importance of realizing that we are merely creations of God. When we realize that God loves us despite of our own human flaws that enables us to also value ourselves and love ourselves for who we are. When we are at peace with ourselves then we can discover true self worth and happiness.

Consequently. religious people are able to cope with the ups and downs of life because a lot of the religious teachings prepare them for all aspects of life including happiness and sadness. …show more content…

And there is also a connection between religion and mental health. There are less reported cases of stress and depression among churchgoers. Those who attend service regularly are generally happier and less prone to depression. It therefore has been proven that those who attend church regularly are happier and indeed healthier.

Religion also guides us on happier living. It shows us how to accept the will of the Creator, and accept His will, whatever it may be. When we do this we become happier people. Religious teachings prepare us mentally for all aspects of life including birth,death,sickness,trials and tribulations, as well as happy times and joyful occasions. This mental preparedness enables us to deal with these circumstances faster than we would normally do.

Most religious people appreciate life in every form and live life to the fullest. They also do their best to please others, and in turn this makes them happy and also spreads happiness to those they meet. Other than that, religion also instills in us a sense of purpose and self worth, which in turn motivates us to be better people and work harder to achieve our goals. This is why many who firmly practice faith are extremely motivated and are passionate about everything. Religion indeed helps us realize the importance of self worth, and shows us how to motivate ourselves when the going gets

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