Relationships In Shakespeare's Of Mice And Men

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What is stronger of a relationship, someone killing their friend so they do not have to suffer, or killing themselves for the other? In Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet are a part of different families that are considered to be enemies. When Romeo attends a party, he instantly falls in love with Juliet. In the end, the characters are faced with a tragedy. In Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie are two best friends who take care of one another since Lennie is mentally disabled. The two friends go through everything together. In the end, they are faced with a tragedy. Romeo and Juliet has a stronger relationship than George and Lennie because they are very balanced with each other, and are willing to do anything …show more content…

For instance, Romeo and Juliet both think of the other a lot when they are forced to spend time apart. Romeo asks his servant Baltazor, as he returns to Mantua to tell Romeo the news about Juliet, Romeo says, “How doth my lady? Is my father well? / How doth my Juliet? That I ask again, / For nothing can be ill if she be well” (Shakespeare 5.1.15-17). Romeo worries deeply about Juliet when he is banished from Verona. He and Juliet worry about the other almost the same amount when they are forced to be separate from one another. When they can not be together, they both are very worried about the other one, and just want to be with one another. For example, Romeo and Juliet do not ever want to spend time apart. Juliet says waking up from spending the night with …show more content…

To illustrate, Juliet kills herself when she sees that Romeo is also dead. Juliet responds to Romeo’s death by killing herself, Juliet says, “Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief. O, happy dagger, / This is thy sheath. There rust, and let me die” (Shakespeare 5.3.174-175). Juliet kills herself after she finds out that Romeo is also dead. She is willing to die just so that she does not have to live without her love. She wants to spend eternity with him. When Romeo is gone, Juliet takes it upon herself to kill herself so that she can be with him in heaven. Also, Romeo is willing to get killed just to spend time with Juliet. Juliet warns Romeo, “And the place death, considering who thou art, / If any of my kinsmen find thee here” (Shakespeare 2.2.69-70). Romeo is willing to risk being killed just so that he can spend time with Juliet. He stays inside of the Capulet garden just to see and be with Juliet. He does not mind risking his life just to be with Juliet. He is willing to do anything for her even to the extent of dying. Romeo and Juliet’s relationship is very strong because both will go to the extent of even killing themselves just so they can always be with one

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