Reincarnation In Hinduism

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Reincarnation is a religious concept that preaches the aspect of a living being dying and beginning a new life; a soul lives throughout countless material bodies. The term referring to Hinduism’s belief of the reincarnation cycle is Samsara. One’s rebirth is based on the activity of ` karma throughout their life. Philosophers originally believed karma was “any correct activity or properly performed ritual.” Later on they determined karma to be the bad or good actions one commits during their life, meaning that a person’s present actions alter their future life. This underlies Hinduism’s law of karma, which is the idea that one’s behavior during their life will lead them to a reward or a punishment.
The definition of karma has changed over the years, philosophers believed that it was developed from a long period of the Hindus observing plants, flowers, trees, and crops grow. They believe that Hindus notices that their land “gave birth” to plants when the were cared for. Hindus realized that plants never die they begin to grow again during the spring, which may have led them to believe that the life of a plant ends in death in order for it to be reborn again. Plants will only begin to grow again if they have been treated well and not poorly. Philosophers believe that induce felt the same about all living things. …show more content…

Hindus believe that if a priest performed a ritual correctly he was believed to control the gods. Later on in the Vedic Period, Upanishadic seers, taught people our current understanding of karma. These seers believed that all mental and physical activity was a reflection of greater power. They began to teach people that a good person performs good actions and a bad person performs bad actions. With the help of these seers, people develop the concept of the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. These cycles are known as

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