Regina George Stereotypes

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Theater dork, nerdy kid, slut, whore, popular girl, jock, druggie, dumb blonde. Have you ever been called one of these names? These stereotypes are used to make a name for outsiders. I know many people who are overlooked and called names that do not actually define them. Teenagers are convinced that when people do things out of the ordinary such as dressing differently that they are considered “weird” or “not cool”. People can be judged on their personality, attitude and friends along with many other superficial components. Instead of putting people down who are different we should be celebrating their differences.

My friend, let’s call her Regina George. She is overlooked because she is seen to be non-athletic and stupid, but under those stereotypes she is smart, hardworking and humble. Just …show more content…

She wants to play lacrosse and the only thing holding her back is people's opinions. Many people say that girls can’t play a sport as well as guys do but that’s just another stereotype. An Instagram post of hers said, “ I think I’m going to try lacrosse next year.” And some of the comments read: “No don’t do that”, “That’s a guy sport”, “Are you a jock now?” Regina wanted to do something out of the ordinary that not many other girls do. Not only is she unique but she is brave for wanting to do something that society says she can’t. Someone can’t think uniquely when they are following the common crowd. Outsiders are not only leaders, but they are role models for other people to be inspired by. In addition, Regina thought she had given up in the beginning of the year. In fact, not only did she want to give up on school, but she wanted to

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