Reflective Teacher Essay

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William Arthur Ward once said “Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding.” I have always believed equal opportunities must be given to all students. As teachers we are not just educating our students with knowledge, but also instilling values in them and developing their character. Our minister of education had mentioned four key attributes of a Student-Centric, Values-Driven Education. It is important for us to understand our students so that we could come up with the best strategies to help them learn effectively. Among the four attributes, “Every Student, an Engaged Learner” and “Every Teacher, a Caring Educator” are key characteristics which led me to how I perceive myself as a beginning teacher. I want my students to be cared for and be an engaged learner who is involved in learning in school and as a lifelong learner in life. How am I going to reach this goal? As a beginning teacher, I see myself as a reflective teacher through communicating, learning, observing and understanding my students. In my essay, I will talk about what I mean as a reflective teacher, what are the two major challenges that I may face and its respective …show more content…

This is exceptionally relevant to beginning teachers as we are new to the school culture and environment. As much as we tried to be caring and keeping them engaged, there are students that will ignore you and deem you every other teachers that gives up on them. No matter how much you reflect on where went wrong, it will still make you feel unappreciated, disrespected and exhausted. What can be done is to have enough patience in building a strong and positive rapport with them and slowly break down their walls. We should always remind ourselves of drew them to teaching in the first place, to make a difference in every students’

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