Reflective Essay On Chicano Studies

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The course, Chicano Studies 50, introduced me to many topics that I never was taught in high school. The differences between high school and college is that in college students are available to many courses and recourses to further develop their knowledge in their culture. Professor Montoya teaches his students in a deeper concept of how Chicanos ideals were developed in comparison to my previous course Chicano Studies 10. The course showed the class brief experiences of farmworker’s struggles and to movements Mexican-Americans decided to accomplish to provided better life for those who were undocumented and for them as well. Culture was introduced in a small description, but like Professor Montoya expressed “… would be impossible with a subject …show more content…

Chicanos study 50 made me want to discover more into what music helped motivate people in their everyday life or just brought their spirits up. Chicano Rock will always be a part of history and will continue to evolve even though some people will not have political views in their songs anymore. Mana is part of modern day rock in Spanish, but his songs are more about love. Music will continue to follow what society is asking for and since modern society is not as heavily opened to discrimination anymore rock and other genre will not focus in that. Just like Chicano movements’ leaders, Chicano Rock was there to push individuals to keep fighting for peace and acquire their rights. Chicano Rock was like Caesar Chavez and Rodolfo Gonzales; it brought hope to people when hearing their favorite artist speaking about incorrect politics and how it should be put to an end. Los Lobos, Zapatistas, and Los Curdos were small popular bands in the Chicano Rock that inspired Chicanos during the movements. Chicano Rock will probably will not be as big as other Latin genre and other modern genres, but like me and other people, there will always be followers who will continue to hear Chicano Rock and will be forever a part of history that will never be

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