Reflective Essay On Ap Human Geography

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I walked out of sophomore AP world history and human geography not only with greater historical awareness, but also the ability to utilize that awareness to engage with other disciplines. In pushing beyond mere identification and recall, APWH challenged me to shift away from passively accepting information at face-value, to understand how context and rhetoric framed knowledge. In constantly deconstructing the nature of historical and empirical evidence and the lenses in which objects of scrutiny are extracted-- especially those defined by conflict and transformations--, I learned to be conscientious of how authors’ material conditions and interests shaped the presentation of given narratives. In-class emphasis of making historical connections while reading became ingrained into my …show more content…

I had to explain that the Mongolian invasion not only sacked Baghdad-- the capital of an empire wrought with political-religious divisions-- and thus signifying the end of but also facilitated cultural-technological exchanges throughout a more stabilized “Pax Mongolica” Eurasia, including the diffusion of firearms associated with later-strengthened European feudal power. AP human geography further expanded upon these skills, especially in its focus on the interaction between people and geography, of how human-constructed realities arise from and manipulate the surrounding environment, reconciling organic social dynamics alongside systematic empirical patterns. While much of current global-geographic phenomena cannot be understood without also understanding history--of drawing national boundaries and consolidating state legitimacy, industrial-economic development and land use, regulation of transnational commodities and migrant labor across borders-- I also had to understand what distinguished them as the unique socializing forces imposed onto the environment

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