Reflective Essay: Gender Roles Between Men And Women

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Growing up I was always a firm believer in equality; whether it be racial, gender, or sexual preference; I can’t tell you why, I guess it was just engrained since birth. I was always one that never passed judgement on another for being themselves or having high goal they’ll want to achieve. Gender roles of men and women is a topic that’s important to me because I feel both sexes have the ability to live in a harmonious and thriving society. We as a society in America have made huge leaps and bounds than say the 1950s but I still feel there are still issues that still need to addressed and talked about among ourselves. I grew up looking up to my mother who I feel is a resilient, goal-oriented, strong minded person who whenever something needed …show more content…

The era he grew up in was still very conservative and being a little different caused for ridicule. What puzzles me most about my stepfather is he was raised by his mom and Aunt, so I don’t understand where he’s views came from. I’ll admit he grew up in a confusing time and in a bad neighborhood so outside events most likely could have influenced his way of thinking. If he was growing up during the 60s or 50s, I could understand why one would think the way they would, my grandfather and grandmother had that type of relationship. Becoming an adult in the 1980s and 1990s, I fail to see the reason as to why my stepfather has his sometimes sexist views. Contrary to the time my stepfather lived in, today’s day and age is much more tolerable and accepting of others. We’re aren’t perfect by any means, but there have been big boulders moved in favor of equality. I think technology is helpful in thinning out the lines they divide gender roles, it gives another outlet for both men and women to expand intellect and devices that can be beneficial to the world. More women are taking advantage of opportunities and not being forced to give up their aspirations to cater to another person which has given our generation much more powerful people regardless of sex living in society; another person we as students can strive to

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