Reflective Essay: Code Blue In Room 2320

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Admiring most about doctors’ volunteer work in our community and inspired by my sister’s work in the free clinic, I decide to follow their footprints to get out of the comfort zone to explore the world. After receiving so many rejection letters, I realized that finding a job is a difficult job. I did not give up and finally got an offer from the Adventist Hinsdale hospital. In the surgery waiting room, a TV is playing quietly in the corner and families are anxiously waiting for the doctors’ news. As I wear my polo shirt and khaki uniform, family members start approaching me for questions. At the beginning I am inexperienced and nervous, need frequently consult the senior staff for advice, but quickly I am able to initiate conversations with the families, and comfort them in highly anxiety situations. “Code Blue in Room 2320,” the announcer calmly calls out through the intercom. Running steps of the Blue Team can …show more content…

One blazing afternoon, the piercing fire alarm blared, coupled with flashing lights broke the surgery waiting room’s normal atmosphere. Immediately, nervous family members turn toward me for directions. To ensure safety, I need make the split second tough decisions, not only for myself but for others. With a surprisingly calm and confidence, I directed the short pathway for the families to evacuate the building. My heart was racing as I took my clipboard and followed by 20 people. It looked like a scrawny gosling leading a chain of geese to the safe haven. Volunteering work enhances my both communication and leadership skills to cope with the situations in the real world. The Surgical Waiting Room experience helped me to grow into a young adult that is responsible, dependable, confident and mature. Community service is rewarding and fulfilling for me. I will continue my commitment to improving the community through my

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