Reflective Account On Nursing Education

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Previous to my years working in nursing and hospital care I use to worked in a manufacturing company that continually experimented changes, some by accident and most of them programmed by managers and upper directives foreseeing the changes required to implement the best measures to excel the production of the company, at the time that focused the attention in enhance the education and skills to those employees that evidently demonstrated an improvement in the areas they mastered. For that purposes, interviews and special talks were designed to understand their professional background on education, employment, goals achieved, and also personal characteristics as family goals, hobbies, religious practices, and things alike. The interviews offered an increased understanding of the individual personal values and beliefs, immediate, mid-term and long-term goals and enhanced the comprehension of the skills developed in the workplace and presented a wide evaluation of the interviewed.
Everything to discover the valuable personnel in the company and preserve them in the organization, based on the value of enrich the company with the best individuals, and encourage others to increase our value for the company, directing the attention in implementing changes in education, leadership disciplines, and

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