Reflection: Rearview Mirror

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Rearview Mirror While looking back at my first semester in English Composition 1, I am surprised by how much I actually learned and how much I developed the writing skills I already had. The rough drafts and group work we did helped me a lot during the four papers we wrote. My portfolio of the semester includes four pieces of writing and this reflective essay. The four assignments we had were a culture description, observation, comparison-contrast, and a persuasive essay. During the semester and the papers we wrote, I found out some things that I struggled with but also found that I’m pretty good at certain aspects of writing. Throughout the four essays we wrote I struggled with detail, sentence variety, but did well with apostrophes. Out …show more content…

A lot of points I lost was because of bad sentence variety. My first paper about cultures, and I started many of the sentences with the word “the.” This caused me to lose two style points in my first paper. Also In the opening paragraph of my observation paper I started seven sentences in a row with “the.” Then in the last three paragraphs I started multiple sentences with “the” and “she.” Mr. Bays wrote “need to vary sentences,” and circled all of them making my paper look like a spider web. This showed me specifically what I did wrong so I could fix it for my next papers. Though I did lose many style points for sentence variety in my first two papers, I was happy to see that I didn’t lose any style points for sentence variety in my last two papers. This showed me that I did a good job of mastering sentence variety, and taught me to look for these errors while proofreading my …show more content…

I always did poorly in high school with grammar, so I thought I would carry this same struggle over with me to college. It made me happy to see that through all four papers did I only lost 2 points for grammar. In the culture paper I had a couple of comma splices causing me to lose points. I wrote “The weight room was like a second home, there were days we wouldn’t get out until 6 P.M.” I should have put a period after home instead of a comma. I had a few small comma issues causing me to lose the two points, but other than that I did really well with grammar. I was very happy with how well I did with apostrophes. In high school one of my biggest problems was showing possession with apostrophes. In the four papers we wrote I didn’t lose any points for apostrophes. What helped me a lot was the group work and the rough drafts. If I did make an apostrophe mistake either Mr. Bays or my group members would point them out to me. Then I was able to go back and fix them while I was proofreading my

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