Reflection Paper In Sociology

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Social Observation Final Paper Some of us in this society are so accustomed of the familiar daily lives routines that we tend to ignore the social issues that occurs within our environment or we simply aren’t aware of why our society’s structure works the way they are. There are people out there that only used a single story lense to view their surroundings without ever using alternative perceptions. The practice of using the sociological imagination perspective in society is necessary. That way, we are able to view outside of our conscious box to question and identify the social issues in our structures and institutions that influenced our private life. While observing my surroundings with applying the concept of sociological imagination, I’ve realized that there are so many inequalities within our social context that not many of us are aware of because the society had constructed those conditions as acceptable. One of the …show more content…

Sometimes I can’t help myself that I relate things and questions everything that I witness every day to sociology concepts. I’m learning to step out of the structured norms of this society and comprehend the issues around me with sociological imagination as a practice. Also, I’ve come to a realization that all this time I was living in the comfort of what the society had constructed as reality. It’s mind-blowing to realize that some things doesn’t happened or just works the way they are, it’s actually constructed by us, the agents of socialization. I understand that these social issues can’t be completely abolished since it has been inhabited through history, though I can start with something as simple as spreading awareness within my in-groups such as family and close friends. Small changes will eventually grow and spreads if we continue to implement what we believe in and share it like how we do with social

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