Reflection On The Salvation Army

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For my community service project, I went bell ringing for the Salvation Army. I learned many things about myself and others while I was doing this project. To start, I decided to ring bells for the Salvation Army, because I could help out people in the area that are in need, and I could have fun while doing it with friends. While reserving a spot to ring, I looked around their website and found out that by ringing bells, the Salvation Army provides toys, food, and clothing for over 6 million people during Christmas time. They also help more than 34 million Americans recover from natural disasters nationwide. After seeing everything the Salvation Army does, I felt it would be a great way to fulfill my community service hours. I rang bells on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving from …show more content…

Many people take a lot of the things that we do during Christmas time for granted, and I wanted to let more people, that aren't as fortunate, have a nice Christmas. Many people that are in need, nationwide, benefit from the donations that are given to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army provides them with toys, food, clothes, and other basic necessities to help them have a nice Christmas. Knowing that my small donation of time helped so many people really surprised me, and it made me feel really good. It is important for citizens to help out in their communities, because it helps make our nation a better place, and it also helps citizens get closer with the people in their community. Doing community service also helps people of all ages learn how to be more selfless, content, outgoing, and humble. A lot of people don't realize how many Americans live in poverty. In 2014, the percentage of Americans living in poverty was 14.8 percent of the population, which was 46.7 million people. By helping out in their communities, people can help lower that number and make the United States a better place to

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