Reflection On The Benefits And Values Of Electrical Engineering

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Engineering System Design 2 is one of interesting module because it is have many benefits and experiences to do it every week. All reflective give to us lesson that we can use it in our life such us , one of reflective is dedicated on ethics so we need to know what are the ethics must be apply on our jobs . At others hands we studied about robotics. How to command robotic by using USB wire, Robots are machines in factories, play soccer, are in research labs, behave like animals.
Reflective journal 1 discussed about Concept Map of an Engineering Discipline. Concept Map is necessary to make the topics easy for reader and writer. I wrote about electrical engineering because it is my specialty. Now from the beginning that you …show more content…

This submit included over my personal experience last year during use principle of teamwork with my group. Absolutely. This topic have helped us to finish our project at right time so in my opinion concept of teamwork must apply on every workplace.
Reflective journal 3 contain on steps to deal with problems that faced engineers by using e mail, presentation, reports or Medias. It discussed about Persuasion .However, persuasion is so important on workplace sometimes we need that principle using the persuasion. In my experience when I try to getting a solution for my boos to convince him buy a new machine an alternative old machine .this topic gave to me the concept about persuasion on workplace.
Reflective journal 4 on that I understood what are the benefits to be the stronger solver? As an engineer must have ability and the strategy to solve problems which can faced from workers or machine or anything on was mention on this reflective I face problem with my group which is didn’t have enough time to preparing the project so we divide the jobs between us the joint together. Through that strategy I have studied how to be a …show more content…

It showed what the suitable choice that I need to be an expert? Imagine you have two alternatives which are moving into management roles or of developing their technical skills further and becoming a more technical expert .i selected second one because it allow me to improve my skills.
Reflective journal 7 defined the concept of ethics which is ETHICS know the ethics of the profession as a system of moral principles and codes of practice that has become a standard of professional conduct True. Every profession ethics, which was formed gradually grown with the times that have been recognized and became a certified morally and legally. And ethics of professions are all one, a public ethics such as honesty and mastery of work and honor and others. One of these ethics is be a lasting respect for the views and attitudes of his fellow engine
Reflective journal 8 talk about Safety .Safety is an important element for the development and increase the safety culture helps to increase productivity in the workplace. I identified some issues that always faced in my workplace with the alternatives or

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