Reflection On Serving The Community

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In chapter 3 of our Serving Through Learning book, serving the community is discussed in great detail. It gives several tips on how to effectively help the community. The tip that stood out to me the most was that we need to understand ourselves first. This includes who we are as a person, but most importantly what strengths we have to use for the project. I believe that my strengths will be very beneficial in planning and conducting our service project event. Some of my strengths that I have used recently are strategic and positivity. Since midterm is approaching there have been several assignments due and many hours of studying needed. In order to accomplish all of this I have been using several strategies so that I do not get overwhelmed. One of my strategies that I use is writing a list of what I need to get done for the day in order of what is most important to what is least important. This helps me to …show more content…

During class, we tried to decide on the common good and it was interesting to see everyone’s individual ideas on the topic. In general, the common good is something that is done to benefit all people. I am serving the common good through volunteering in the community and being a part of the Love Your Melon Group on campus. This last week I served meals at the Salvation Army and it was amazing to see how appreciative the people were to receive their meals. This is considered the common good because all people should be able to know they will have meals for the day and these resources need to be available. Through being a member of Love Your Melon I am helping children with cancer to forget their illnesses and try to provide them with normal childhood activities. We do this for children by setting up events such as gathering college students and the child’s friends for a game of football. It is amazing to see how happy the child is during this time and it helps them to just let loose and have

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