Reflection On Service Learning In The Community

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Service Learning Reflection Essay When it comes to service learning I have always found it to be a rewarding way to challenge yourself as well as a better way to connect with and understand your community. I am actually not associated with any religious organization, but I have been doing community service for the better half of my school career. In the past and in the case of this courses requirements I volunteered my time at schools who are always in need of people who are willing to help the staff and students. I spent my ten plus hours at Faubion Middle School in Mrs. Phyllis Madison’s humanities classroom. This was a seventh grade classroom full of kids who had been labeled as troublemakers and slackers by the administration, but while …show more content…

As a person who has grown up in a middle class family I have never experienced what some of the kids I worked with have faced in their lives and I was able to help, connect and empathize with this kids who came from a much more difficult and strenuous background. Being able to experience something through these kids is almost surreal in that I was able to and I find that anyone who works with underprivileged kids can connect with their issues and understand the hardships and challenges they face every day. I think everyone should have to contribute to some form of service learning in their life just to see and experience what other people go through who come from a different background. It is immensely insightful and I have always found that to be the …show more content…

I do know for example that community service is an integral part of Christianity and as an outsider I believe that if you wish to be an authentic Christian you should take time to serve others and help your neighbors or community when you are needed. I think that this is even more important than reading the Bible. Jesus was a man who lived to serve and truly sacrificed everything for the good of the whole. I truly believe though that community service is something that should be experienced by everyone no matter their religious

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