Reflection On Progress

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Initially most people would define progress as making some sort of improvement or the action of society moving forward. But does anyone ever question what is being improved? Or where exactly is forward? Before I began analyzing what progress meant I held a similar concept in my mind; I believed progress could be defined as improving the quality of life for all humanity. It was a nice and simple statement, straight to the point. Progress was something beneficial to all and made everything better. That was all I needed to know. Yet, after I thoroughly examined my original statement; I came to a very different conclusion. Overall progress is trying to make life easier for humanity by having advancements in technology, health care, and ways to socially interact. However certain disadvantages such as class, ethnicity or race make universal …show more content…

I believe an improvement of anything in life means to either make better or make easier. Ideally improving should be making things both better and easier. I believe to make a product better and easier, the product would have to increase in accuracy and usefulness, while in order to make life better humanity would have to be happier than it was before things were improved. If things are better and easier than they were before it allows people and society to have an increased well-being, be happier, and more productive. Happiness is essential in humanity; it gives a person the will to survive and thrive in society alongside a good well-being. Productivity is what most of humanity strives to have. In most cases if an improvement increases productivity that improvement is thought to be very successful; it is successful not only in accomplishing one particular goal but many. In particular most things that can be improved that provide an increase of productivity, well-being, and happiness stem from technology, social interaction, and health care. These three things greatly improve the quality of

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