Reflection On Life In My Life

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In life you tend to be hit by surprise with many different things. Some things are positive, some negative, and even more unexplainable. Illness is something that I have dealt with in multiple ways, from several different angles of my life. This statement I would say is true for most people. This is the surprising part I mentioned. Whether it be an infection of some type, chronic disease, or cancer these are things majority of people will come in contact with in their lifetime. Indirectly, I have come in contact with these disease processes, already in my twenty short years of life. Hardly can I say that any of these experiences have been positive, but a lot have ended on a positive note. Some are still in the book, so to say, as negative …show more content…

This is my reflection back on one of these many experiences I’ve dealt with in my life. Every person deals with their emotions in a unique way, although as humans we tend to cope using the same various principles. As for my mother, she doesn’t like to burden anyone with her shortcoming, so to say. She would rather deal with her issues internally before “burdening her family”, as she would say. Naturally, as her son, I could careless of any type of burden, when it comes to dealing with disease and being there for my mother. I was eighteen years old when I found out my mother had cancer, and that is what she chose to keep from me for a small period of time. In regards to her coping mechanism, I support anybody if what they do works for them in a healthy way. The way things get passed around in my family is you always hear …show more content…

A very difficult situation in my mind. My family dynamic makes situations like this a little confusing, and that exactly how I felt. I wanted everything in the world to be there for her in the most supportive way, but bridging that gap was much easily said than done. The financially situation began to be a concern, the health of my father was already altered at that time, and my younger sibling right in the middle of the emotional situation as well. Taking responsibility has never been an issue for me when it comes to dealing with difficult situations, but I had to begin to prioritize. My mother came first. I might not have approached the subject the best I could have, but it needed to be done. We quickly became on the same page and I was able to be there for her, in more way than one. Finances came in to effect due to my mother’s lack of ability to function at work and around schedule around her treatment. My father, who not a complete care individual, received his help from all of my siblings, five to be exact. My little sister I took as my responsibility. She needed to be talked to about the reality of the situation and know the possibilities that life had set before her. That I can say was not an easy conversation. Regardless of all of these factors, we managed to work through them together as a family. In

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