Reflection Of Globalization In The Film Gung Ho

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The film “Gung Ho” displayed a small town in Pennsylvania struggling due to loss of work. The town had an abandoned automobile factory that hadn’t been used for nine months. Hunt Stevenson took a flight to Japan to discuss the Japanese Motor Car Company, Assan Motors, to move there manufacturing operations to the factory in his town. This was the start of how globalization was portrayed during the film. As the film went on, Assan Motors agreed and began setting up the factory, making Hunt the employee liaison. Assan Motors had offshored their jobs to the factory in Pennsylvania, and hired the individuals in the working union. The act of a Japanese Automobile Company moving their manufacturing operations to the United States is an example of …show more content…

There were many displays of collectivism in the film. Kazihiro, who was in charge of the Assan factory, told Hunt about how work always comes first before anything else. On the first day Kazihiro and his management partners, told all of his employees that they must be a team and they must be thinking only of the company. Another scene in the movie displayed how Willie, a factory worker, wanted to leave so he can be with his kid who was going to get his tonsils removed. Kazihiro was shocked on the way Willie makes his family priority over work. Collectivism is clear when the Union workers complain about how they are going to feed their families with a pay of $8.75 an hour. They want more so that they can support themselves and their families.
There were many differences between the Japanese and United States workers. One big difference is how each of them their jobs. The Japanese were angry at the union workers because they were not properly spraying paint on the car. The worker became frustrated and asked Hunt why can’t he do it the way he always used to do it, …show more content…

During the course of the film, I feel that if I was one of the Japanese workers I would really be frustrated in working with the union workers because I am so used to the job being done one way but the union workers are doing it another way. There is only one way to build an Assan car and I would take it as a sign of disrespect to the company if I saw someone altering the methods of production. I would also be fed up with their laziness, and unwillingness to work as a team and follow company procedures. However once we come to a mutual agreement with the union workers, I would believe that globalization was a good thing. If I was an Assan Motors worker that stayed in Japan, I would say it is bad because many jobs are being moved to another country. This means whether it was an all-new venture that could’ve been in Japan or if it was jobs transferred out, it wouldn’t be in my

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