Reflection Of A Financial Planning Process

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A reflection of the work done to date in this course has given me much clarity on the goals that I wish to achieve in my life and the directions that I need to take to achieve them. In module three, I was able to start a financial planning process, in which I was able to determine my current financial situation concerning income, savings, living expenses, and debts through the utilization of a balance and income statement; financial objectives and personal goals sheet. I prepared a list of current asset and debt balances and amounts spent for various items providing me with a foundation for financial planning activities. In module Five, my financial process continued through the evaluation of a home affordability in which I used Maximum Mortgage …show more content…

The insurance is meant to cover the cost costs associated with long-term care for those who have had strokes, chronic diseases, or Alzheimer’s diseases, as well as those who can simply no longer manage to live on their own. It is imperative that I be able to reap the cost-benefits to of being protected against the financial consequences of the high cost due to increasing life expectancies and the resultant rise in the chance that you may eventually need some level of care. In short, creativity in decision making is vital to effective choices. Therefore, it is essential to consider all of the possible alternatives will help you make more efficient and favorable decisions. Moreover, when life events affect your financial needs, the financial planning process will provide a vehicle for adapting to those changes. Also, specific financial goals are vital to financial planning. Others can suggest financial goals for you; however, you must decide which goals to pursue. Your financial goals can range from spending all of your current income to developing an considerable savings and investment program for your future financial

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