Leadership and Parenthood: A Reflective Analysis

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Leadership is similar to parenthood, just the thought that a mirror reflection effect can be achieved is a possibility that can make us think twice the way we conduct ourselves, the reality that others will do as I do, say what I say and like what I like, makes me realize that the need for guide, teach, encourage and discipline will be required, from that perspective I understood and discovered that lead others is as challenging as it is rewarding. Having experienced both areas, I can honestly say that I have made my share of mistakes and blow ups, lost my temper and been hot-headed a few times before. But the good news is that with every slip, trip, and fall, I have learned valuable lessons.

Most leadership models can be observed in the workplace and then explained in behavioural terms. Servant leadership differs from other models in that servant leadership comes from within the leader, surfacing out of the leader's principles, values, and beliefs. The servant leader's motivation and behaviour come exclusively from the personal principles, …show more content…

Also, to be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done; in other words, leading by example. It included, lightening the load of another or even being willing to do whatever I asked others to do. It can go as far as leveling hierarchies, with the ability to not only being a boss, but a trusted friend. Sometimes included, listening to those served to find out what they really need me to do for them, rather than just deciding what is best for

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