Reflecting on a Year of Rigorous Literature Studies

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As the end of the school year approaches I can literally and safely say that this class was by far the most rigorous and influential High School course that I have ever taken. No I haven 't had the best overall average in the class I can 't say that I still have taken away a lot and will be using a lot of the information that I have learned later on in life and especially in college. Looking back at all the literature that we read In this year alone I can safely say that we have read more than during my first three years of high school, and some students about the work load. I really did appreciate it. There were so many life lessons that were taught. Especially when we would have in class lectures. From Beowulf, to Lord of Flies, each story has …show more content…

Lord of flies is about a boat boys who attended Academy became shipwreck and washed up on the shore of an island once they arrive to the island they find out that it seems to be that nobody is there and the only adult that accompany them is terribly injured. the boys then Align assign the captain and decided that they must defend for themselves they build a ship or a plane or a helicopter come by so that way they are able to be rescued however over time the boys become to spare and a group of the boys become tired of the ways of the captain and decide to claim their own game and become the hunters throughout the tell the boys slowly turn on each other and end up killing 3 characters at the very end of the tour left with one boy who was the captain was not been killed off yet she runs away from the hunters as they tried to burn him out from the forest as he is running he comes upon the shore where he finds himself upon an adult , and the book ends. While this novel, isn’t everyone 's cup of tea, it shows what power can do to one, and how without a society of rules, madness occurs. While this novel made me cry, it still is by far my favorite novel from my high school

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