Reflection About Drug Addiction

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I can attest that from the first essay, my knowledge about addiction has expanded in many levels and ways. Although I was aware that people, especially those from the younger generations, were more prone to experimenting with drugs for many reasons such as out of curiosity, peer pressure, and other “compelling” factors, it was very interesting to understand that drug addiction is not always linked to youth or inexperience. It was also intriguing to better understand why some people, even amongst sibling, become addicted to drug or alcohol use/abuse and some don’t. While I have now gained more insight and knowledge about the multiple factors that can contribute to disorders such as genetic vulnerability, environmental stressors, social pressures, personality characteristics, but which of those factors have the biggest influence, is still an area that I will want to continue to learn more about as I start my career as a counselor. Nevertheless, it is clear to me that while each drug produces a different physical impact on the user, all abused substances share one thing in common: repeated use can have a long lasting impact as they can permanently alter the way the brain functions. As I mentioned in my first essay, I started with the misconception that drug abusers …show more content…

Consequently, addiction may reach a point at which it is harmful and life threatening if is not treated. Additionally, it was useful to understand that relapse does not mean that treatment has failed or that sobriety is a lost cause. Rather, it is an indication to get back on track, either by going back to treatment or adjusting the treatment approach. I am now better equipped to understand and put into practical use this concept, “No one begins using a mood-altering substance with the intention of becoming addicted to

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