Referendums Pros Cons

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Referendums are always be implemented in order to reach a decision on a constitutional matter when the government can’t do it themselves. It helps the government decide on a specific issue based on the votes of the citizens, for example the referendum in 2011 on whether the voting system should change from First Past the Post to Alternative Vote. They are exceedingly important at a crucial stage of a constitutional issue, even if it is expensive and a waste of time to hold a referendum. However, many argue that referendums aren’t effective and are somewhat useless. There are many arguments on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of referendums, and in this essay I will evaluate both sides. A referendum is a limited form of direct …show more content…

The people are somehow educated on the political issues that the nation faces when referendums are held. They educate the citizens and informs them about the issue at hand. This may result in encouragement to engage voters and be more involved in political activities in the nation (Jones and Norton, 2014). However, voters do not have the capacity or education to confront the issues and make effective decisions. It’s debatable that political issues should be taken in the hands of the representative assembly than the voters who may vote based on their emotions rather than using facts and considering the after effect of the decision (Lowe and Owen, 2015). Voters aren’t familiar with the background of issues and lack information to make informed decisions, and instead make decisions based on partial knowledge. This may exacerbate the issue in stake such as constitutional change, international treaties, and more (Electoral Systems, Advantages and disadvantages of the referendum instrument, n.d.). For example, the Scottish Independence referendum, many may vote in favour of independence based on their emotions or lack of knowledge and not really the issue itself or the after

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