Redemption And Justice In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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The story of Hamlet has an array of view points. The question can be asked what does the story of Hamlet have to do with Redemption, Moral Revelation, and a Just Society or Justice. There are many aspects of the story that relate to these key concepts that are being taught in the world foundation class. A few examples will be touch upon in this essay. Hamlet throughout the story as been trying to enact his redemptive action. Hamlet has to establish justice and right a wrong. Hamlet begins seeking his redemption in Act 1, Scene 5 105-110. He laments over his mother and Uncle and how he remembers to carryout what his father requested. In Act 3, Scene 4 Hamlet recounts these feelings to his mother while still trying enact another redemptive action of righting the wrong of his mother marrying Claudius. Where with all that she is going through, Queen Gertrude has her own ways of being redemptive after having spoken with her son …show more content…

Hamlet was seeking redemption and was trying to apply moral truths to his actions to hold himself guiltless. Claudius on the other hand gets what he deserves. Justice is served upon him because the same poison that he used to kill Hamlet the Elder and try to poison Hamlet with is the same poison that is used on him. The punishment fit the crime because he was killed by his own poison. After fining out about the kings treason hamlet turns the poisoned knife onto Claudius and stabs him with is stating the point envenomed too? Then, venom to thy work. As though the strike was not enough, Hamlet then forces the king to drink the potion while exclaiming, “here thou incestuous, murd’rous, damed Dane, drink off this potion. Is thy union here? “Justice requires that the both side are balanced, Claudius tipped the scale and caused the sides to be unbalanced, therefore there was a need for redemption. Hamlets final act was the deed that restored the

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