Red Tablet Symbolism Essay

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Throughout the story there are various symbolic objects, most of which are extremely important to the story line. Different things from artifacts to poems to the tablets. The first one that becomes obvious in the beginning is the green dress that Cassia wore for her Match Banquet. The dress symbolizes her growing up and what is coming in her future. Although the nice clothes that everyone wears at their Match Banquet symbolize that. What the dress really symbolizes is Cassia’s personality. Cassia was the only one wearing the green dress that night, and it was predicted by the Society that she would wear that dress, symbolizing how predictable she is. The fact that she was the only one wearing the dress symbolizes that she was different from others, maybe …show more content…

The red tablet is a mystery to everyone. No one really knows, except the leaders, what the red tablet does. There are rumors that the red tablet is poison, and will kill you if take it. What the red tablet really does is make you forget the last twelve hours. This makes it so if something bad does happen, the Society can just make everyone who saw it take the red tablet and everything is fixed. The red tablet symbolizes the secrets of the Society. How they came to power, and what is going on in the outer provinces, etc. Ky also says “It’s red and orange [in the outer provinces], colors you don’t see here very often.” (Condie 288) Maybe that is supposed to show that the red tablet is made so they can make people forget about the wars in the outer provinces, so they can forget that the Society is flawed. Ky and Xander are also immune to the red tablet. They keep their memories after they take it. This is because Xander dared Ky, when they were little, to steal two red tablets. When he did, they both took them. Nothing happened. It seems that when you take the tablet before you’re 16, you become

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