Red Shoes Monologue

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The Red Shoes are rough on the inside, and crinkle when I move. The feel of them makes my heart twist and leap in excitement and worry and happiness. Soon I will be a bird just like Mother, and soon I will be free to fly and explore. The Red Shoes will take me higher and higher, away from father's cage and back to mother. I need to fly, before it's too late. Mother broke our hearts when she left us, Father says. As my heart hasn't been treated yet, it must still be broken and bruised and bleeding. Flying will mend it, though. When I fly, that strange yearning will go away, and that nameless something that is so demanding and intoxicating will be replaced with nothing but joy. Flying is a dangerous freedom, something that Father wants to …show more content…

They couldn't fly because they had forgotten how. If I don't leave now, I will be just like them; the urge to fly will leave me and I will begin to accept Father's cage. And I can leave now, for I have the Red Shoes. Mother will be so pleased to see me, and so proud that I have found the Red Shoes. She will be even prouder when she finds out I have learnt to fly. Her heart will swell with joy and love, and then she'll mend mine. When I find Mother, I will be free and loved and …show more content…

She told me so, before she left. Being half Mother means that like her, I am not quite human. I am part bird, and so it is in my blood to fly. If it is in me to fly, I have to fly! If I don't fly, that urge within me that is so like a beast, will tear me to pieces with its teeth. If I don't fly, I will be alive, but dead inside. I have to fly. But I am nervous and anxious about the dangers out there. There are many evil and terrible creatures who could easily cause me great harm, but I cannot choose to be tamed so that I can stay safe inside my claustrophobic cage. Freedom is in my blood and will never permit it. Father tried to cage Mother because he was jealous. He was jealous of her access to freedom, and he was envious of her ability to fly. He wished with a burning in his heart that she would spend as much time with him as she did with her bird friends. He was jealous of them, and of her, so he demonised them. He made them out to be like monsters. Creatures, he called them. If he knew that I shared Mother's abilities, he would try and cage me even more than he does now. Because of him, I've always had to stay quiet and still in an effort to keep him happy. As soon as I fly away, though, I wont have to, I will be at liberty to dance and sing and be as loud as I want to. As soon as I am free, I won't have to worry about his heavy glowering, and his suffocating

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