Red Queen Racism Quotes

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Does Victoria Aveyard portray racism in the book Red Queen?

Do people even know they’re racist? The T.V. has a big role on how people portray different races. Like how black women are are ghetto or white men are rapist or crazy. People might not know this but people thinking like this is a form of racism. What is racism? There are many different types of racism. Racism in Red Queen is how the silvers think their better then the reds because they have powers. Racism is a very big problem in the world today.

What is racism? Racism is when people think their race is better than every other race. People who are racist feels like they deserve special rights and privileges. Racism is not just the color of skin it can also be toward education, employment and housing. People believe that the way they act or look is normal. Therefore when someone doesn't act or look like then people fear or distrust them. A stereotype is the way you view someone based on what you've seen, heard, or believe. There are many different types of racism. Individual racism is mostly prejudice acting toward individuals in relation to others racial groups. Individual racism is mostly done on purpose. A person who is …show more content…

Stereotype are a particular image of a person or thing. Stereotypes are not only harmful in their own right they do damage by fostering prejudice and discrimination. Discrimination is putting group of members at a disadvantage or treating them unfairly as a result of their group membership. Prejudice is the emotional part of racism. It is a negative attitude directed at a group and its members. There are simple differences between prejudice and stereotype. When an individual's negative stereotype increases so does his or her prejudice. When prejudice and stereotypes change they do not necessarily change together. These three form of racisms got hand and hand but it is possible to have one without the

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