Recovery Capital

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WHAT IS RECOVERY CAPITAL AND WHY SHOULD I LOOK AT MINE? It’s a long journey from actively using to having a great social life in recovery. Sober living and recovery lifestyles are always vital components of mental, physical, and social health for EVERY member of a recovering community. Recovery Capital is an interesting phrase used to describe stabilizing factors that people in recovery have in their lives. These include education, employment, housing, personal and social resources too. Recovery rates are higher for those who are in employment, have families and who have other responsibilities. That’s why it is so important for treatment programs to help people with these wider issues and not just focus on the limited scope of a person and …show more content…

And also find some life satisfaction. The kinds of things important to that are social support, spirituality, religiousness, life meaning, and 12-step affiliation. The need for recovery support services of all kinds puts up a ‘scaffold’ for individuals as they enter recovery from a substance use disorder. High relapse rates after even good treatment often result from a failure to develop recovery management skills and especially isolating from social support networks. You can direct your own approach to self-care. But the best proven way to take responsibility in recovery for sustained health, wellness and recovery from alcohol and drug problems is to build on the strengths and resilience of individuals, families, and communities. It works not only with substance use disorders and mental health recovery, but positive psychology and a diverse range of criminal justice approaches. There are three ways in which you accrue recovery capital. So maybe do an inventory of yours or those of your friends and see how strong your pathway to full recovery …show more content…

Do a check-up. It’s all part of a recovery movement driven by strength. A strength in recovery where you don’t hide what you’ve accrued. A strength that lets you show others that the pathway to sustained recovery comes more with gathering resources and capabilities with others than anything else. You engage with the family and the community, put a big emphasis on relationships and community integration, and keep your focus on wellbeing and quality of life. There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up, and many local organizations apply these principles and ideas to reduce the stigma of addiction, ensure the availability of adequate treatment and recovery support services, and influence public opinion and policy regarding the value of recovery. Pennsylvania Recovery Organization - Achieving Community Together (PRO-ACT) is a grassroots advocacy and recovery support initiative of The Council covering Southeastern

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