Recommending Continued Sponsorship of the Posse Ride

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Recommending Continued Sponsorship of the Posse Ride

This is to recommend continued sponsorship of the Posse ride. In order to maximize the

effectiveness and profit-making potential, I propose the following changes in this program – 1) Repeating

successful routes. 2) Involvement of HOG members in route selection. 3) Follow up with Posse participants

30 days after the completion of events. 4) Creating spontaneity during the ride. 5) Increased participation of

employees on the rides. These new initiatives would help us better understand customer needs and build long

lasting relationship with customers.

A Harley-Davidson motorcycle is more than just a mode of transportation or ordinary product. It's

an American icon that is much loved and recognized around the world. So, while we are dedicated to

continuous innovation, we have opted for evolution more than revolution to carefully preserve the elements

that make a Harley distinct – Posse ride is one of the key elements. Riding is the essence of motorcycling

experience. The Posse ride builds resonance between die hard members of the Harley community. The stories

narrated by riders attract non Harley/HOG members. The Posse ride presents us with an opportunity to gain

feedback from customers in an environment of extended accessibility and intimacy. Furthermore, it enables

us to provide promotional offering satisfying the need of die-hard HOG members. The Posse Ride links

riders together into a broad community. The ...

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