Rebel Group Research Paper

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In society, rebel groups are socially constructed as violent groups seeking political change in the government of a country. The motives for rebel groups are for social, religious and political inclusion of their ideas in the government. In the Western Hemisphere, developed nations are concerned about rebel groups in developing nations, especially located in the Middle East. Middle Eastern rebel groups, such as the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are notoriously known as Islamic extremists because of their radical beliefs against Western society. The constant threats of global terrorism by the rebel groups drives fear among the western world. Events that have affected Western societies by Islamic extremists are September 11th attacks and the Paris attacks. However, it is not only the Islamic extremists in the Middle East that are the most threatening to the world, but rebels groups in Africa cause several casualties …show more content…

It is important to care about Africa because it is the most forgotten continent by the Western world. Africa doesn’t have the same impact as the Middle East with western society’s dependence of natural resources, such as oil and minerals. It does not escape the issue that several African rebel groups severely abuse women and children, forcing them to become child soldiers and raped at young ages. Several of human right abuses caused by the rebel groups go unpunished. In order to gain attention by the government, the rebels control territories in resource-rich areas in return gain more power and rise to destabilize the order of the state.. Rebels have strategic goals in gaining attention by increasing their value in natural resources as rebels, to increase their influential value of capturing the state (Humphrey, 2005). The question that appeals to many researchers is how do rebel groups’ resources affect the government response to their

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