Reasons Why Death Is Evil

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Big Question: What makes people believe Death is evil?

I believe Death is stereotyped as evil because it is feared. Most people’s greatest fear, whether it be rational or irrational, is Death. Death could come by drowning or randomly getting stabbed by a giant bee’s stinger. Death is feared because it is unknown. Human’s are afraid of the things they cannot see or proof to be true. There have been some cases in which people have reportedly been dead, but they came back. In most cases victims say nothing happened or they don’t remember anything since the line went flat. The cases that do remember have a story that’s to hard for some to believe. There hasn’t been proof to say definitively that nothing happens, you go to heaven, or you are reborn into a new body. Whatever the case it is unknown and it is feared. Because of this fear we think of it as evil. We think of a villain dressed in black holding a scythe coming to take our soul to the afterlife. This connotation for death puts fear into our mind and that fear leads us to …show more content…

I saw the book thief three times.” (5) Death narrates this story about a survivor. The book thief, Liesel, is a german girl growing up in the time of the Holocaust. Death saw her first when her brother died and that was when she stoles her first book. Due to the hard times of the war Liesel’s mother is unable to take care of her. Liesel is adopted by Hans and Rosa Hubermann. Death knowns Hans because while fighting in WWI a jew saved him. Now the jew’s son, Max, is looking for refuge and asks Hans for help. Max was one of Liesel's best friends. At the top of the list with Rudy. Max noticed Liesel’s love for books and decided to write her one about his life. One night Max decided to leave the Hubermann household to keep them safe. Liesel didn’t see Max again but Death

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