Reap What You Sow in Silas Marner by George Eliot

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The definition of fate is the development of events beyond a person’s control. It is regarded as something determined by a supernatural power, but I believe otherwise. In fact, I believe the exact opposite. I believe that people do in fact have the power to manipulate their fate; Based on the good or bad choices they’ve made in the past. The novel Silas Marner by George Eliot , helps to explain this. Through the actions of three major characters Dunstan Cass, Godfrey Cass, and Silas Marner. These characters were chosen because they all made good or bad choices throughout the novel with a clear punishment or reward; Or in other words these characters show how they control their fate based on previous actions or choices.

To begin with, Dunstan Cass made bad choices throughout the novel. For example, Dunstan decided to use the knowledge that he had about Godfrey as blackmail. As the Dunstan says, ‘“ I might tell the Squire how his handsome son was married to that nice young woman, Molly Farren, and was very unhappy because he couldn’t live with his drunken wife, and I should slip into your place as comfortable as could be”’(24). Dunstan had the choice to be a good and loving brother by using that knowledge to help his brother in the situation he’s in. As he would have a better understanding because of the knowledge he already has. Instead, he chooses to use that knowledge to control his brother. Dunstan also steals Silas’s money. Again, Dunstan had a choice. He could’ve told Godfrey about his idea to borrow some money from Silas. Which although, may not have worked but was the right thing to do. The novel tells us why he made that choice. As the narrator says, “ a spiteful jeering fellow, who seemed to enjoy his drink the more w...

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...all trusten till I die”’(181) . Silas has got what he truly deserves for his kindness through the choices that he made. For instance, if he never adopted Eppie, he wouldn’t be in this state of happiness and love. That novel plainly shows right there, that his decision affected his future. All in all, Silas’s good choices paved the way from a lonely and gloomy past to a bright and healthy future.

In conclusion, these three character’s actions in the novel Silas Marner by George Eliot, prove that people get what they deserve. Through good or bad choices George Eliot shows that they caused their own fate. We know now that this might’ve been the main point that George Eliot was trying to express in this novel. Was this her plan all along to show that all men reap what they sow? Leave that for later. What we do know for certain is that our fate is in our own hands.

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