Realization of Life

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Realization of Life

At one point in one^Òs life, he will come to some realization, develop a

higher understanding of himself, or have an epiphany of some type. This one

incident can change a person^Òs entire outlook on life including their

beliefs and practices. There will be many notable events in one^Òs life, but

there will be only few incidents in which one will come to a profound

comprehension of his life or life in general. These few incidents are what

create adversity in one^Òs self. The mental unease which comes along with

these incidents is not usually long lasting, but embeds a dramatic concept

to which one will often refer. A few years ago, I underwent one of these

experiences in which I realized that life entailed no inherent meaning, but

only that of which I could myself assign to my actions and despite this I

must somehow find happiness in my life.

One will always perceive life and its events differently. Because of this,

two entirely similar events may influence two individuals in the exact

opposite directions. Persons can usually be associated with one of the

traditional temperaments, which are phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, and

melancholic. These temperaments are representative of the four humors;

phlegm, yellow bile, blood and black vile respectively. One will view and

translate events based upon their own personal temperament. I find myself to

be melancholic and in that, I find the most significance in seemingly

insignificant events.

During my freshman year, I was writing a paper for English Class late one

night. I recollect the paper was based on the views of Ernest Hemingway.

In my frustration, I asked myself, How important is this paper? This was

the first time I had ever asked myself this question. In all the

assignments prior to this point I had never questioned their importance. In

fact, I surprised myself with the answer. At that moment, I realized that

the essay was completely unimportant and would not effect me in the long

run. Upon this, I began to exam all the events of earlier in the day. I

could not find any real meaning in any of these events. Suddenly and

horrifically I came to the assumption that not only my life, but life in

general was seemingly meaningless in the scheme of the universe.

With this conclusion I came to wonder, is life worth living? Up until this

point I had found meaning in my life. In order to live productively, I

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