Reality Therapy Steps

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Exam 9 HMS 107 question 2
Identify and explain four of the eight original basic steps of Reality Therapy as written by William Glasser. What is the purpose of each step? What is included? How will the leader know when it is completed?
There are many theories out there that attempt to find a way to help people solve their problems. To do this though requires making a choice. A theoretical position is nothing more than taking a position on what are the causes of a person’s problems are and how to approach solving them. There are many divergent positions on how to solve a person’s problems, one of them is called “reality therapy” (Gladding, pg. 331). We’ll discuss what the premise of this therapy is, the steps they use to solve problems …show more content…

331). It believes that all behavior “is generated within ourselves for the purpose of satisfying one or more basic needs” (Gladding, pg. 331). Reality theory does not believe that “we react to outside events but internal needs” (Gladding, pg. 331). This is based on four psychological needs the reality theory believes a human is motivated by. These include “belonging, power, freedom and fun and survival” (Gladding, pg. 331). One interesting point the author makes is that “the origin of fun is the new human brain while survival is the old human brain” (Gladding, pg. 331). When a person has a problem, if they are participating in reality therapy; “the basic premise is that regardless of their problem is that they are not satisfying an internal need they have” (Gladding, pg. …show more content…

Negative behaviors arise when one of these needs aren’t being met. Reality theory sues eight steps to help people overcome these negative behaviors and thought processes. By following and completing each step the person begins to control their behaviors. A group leader can judge whether the group has been successful by several realizations that each member must realize. When group members have moved past their self-defeating patterns, no longer become discouraged upon failures and are more aware of their values the group can be determined a

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