Read The Vogue Magazine

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v The Vogue Magazine cover features Lea Michele wearing a pink tank top with a white miniskirt embroidered in colorful patterns.A celebrity is used to intrigue woman into reading the magazine by surrounding Lea Michele in bold text that suggests tips on looking younger and healthy. Behind her is the text “Women’s Health” in bold, pink elegant letters. She is wearing a gold bracelet, a necklace, and a gold ring on her fourth finger of her left hand. Her face appears to be glowing as she grins towards the camera with her wavy hair flowing around her. The text surrounding her are in pink and black text in contrast to the white background. On top of the magazine cover reads “Your Fast Track To A Flat Belly”.On its surface it could be a helpful magazine that gives woman a helpful insight on taking care of their body and giving exercising tips. However, it could be implying that women should only look a certain way and should look more youthful to become more desirable. …show more content…

Due to the fact that the text, “SLIM LEGS! FIRM BUTT!”, is in big, pink letters and highlighted.This adds on to the ideas that fitness for females means achieving a high standard of fitness that isn’t easy to attain. Not to mention that above the magazine cover it reads”Your Fast Track To a Flat Belly” also implying that every woman’s fitness goal is to have a flat belly, omitting woman who don’t want to have a flat belly or want to be stronger instead of trying new diets. Michele’s clothes add on to the idea that her clothes are meant to purposely show off her body while also maintaining the look of an ideal woman who is healthy, but feminine as well. She is accessorized with a gold ring, silver necklace, and three, gold beaded bracelets to make her look more

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