Rash Decisions In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Lewis Carroll once said, “Always speak the truth, think before you speak.” Romeo’s irrational choices hurt people because he made them before thinking of the ramifications. When challenged by Tybalt, he refused to fight, therefore ending his best friend’s life. His quick actions overcame his words and most of the situations were unsuccessful. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo made a rash and desperate decision to fall in love with Juliet resulting in death and sorrow.
Less than one day after Romeo and Rosaline split apart, Romeo helplessly fell for Juliet. Their love developed into marriage so Romeo went to Friar Laurence to ask him to perform the ceremony. The family feud between the Capulets and Montagues made their relationship forbidden. When …show more content…

News about Romeo’s banishment were delivered and Juliet suffered terribly. Her father, Capulet, was distraught by her grief, although he believed it was over Tybalt. Capulet arranged a marriage to cheer her up, but Juliet dissatisfied and Capulet responded, “Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch!” (3.5.222). Because of Romeo’s choices, Juliet’s relationship with her father was ruined. Romeo’s self-centeredness barely damaged his life, while others paid. When Romeo got himself banished, his mother killed herself out of misery. Because Juliet was taken, she could not marry Paris. Romeo’s banishment wrecked any chance for them to be together so Friar devised a plan. By drinking a vial that would make her seem dead, it would allow them to be together undisturbed. The plan ended up being complex and everything went awry. To explain the impact of Romeo’s decisions, C.S. Lewis said, “Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance.” Several deaths could have been prevented if Romeo had this advice. Furthering Friar’s plan, a letter was supposed to be sent to Romeo explaining the plan, but something stopped the delivery and Romeo was left clueless. The plan was working until Romeo had heard that Juliet was dead. Paris saw and attacked Romeo, trying to stop him, but he protected himself and ended Paris’s life. Romeo looked inside her tomb and found Juliet dead. Now with Juliet gone, he thought that he would never find love again so he killed himself with poison. Juliet then woke up to find Romeo dead. She took a dagger and stabbed herself. The other character’s choices were guided by Romeo’s decision to pursue his relationship with

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